Our Objectives

The core objectives of VEReF

Conduct regular policy-relevant educational and social research in order to examine the scope, incidence, implications and impact of education, morality and character formation on socioeconomic progress.

Provide increased access to all levels of education including non-formal education, contribute to Education for All with emphasis on building a good society where immoral and unethical behaviour viz. drug abuse, corruption, robbery, prostitution, falsehood, ethnic conflicts, acrimony and animosity are seen as negative tendencies that lead to backwardness, ethnic tension and underdevelopment.

Support programmes and initiatives aimed at improving access to affordable quality healthcare and nutrition and halting the spread of preventable diseases including diabetes with focus on Type-1, HIV&AIDS, TB, malaria, diarrhoea and mental health and emotional wellness.

Promote progressive universal access to improved water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and services for pro-poor and needy communities through effective community mobilisation to address harmful environmental practices, hygiene promotion, and delivery of WASH products and services on sustainable and equitable basis

Engage rural, remote, hard-to-reach communities and marginalised and socially excluded groups in dialogue on participatory democracy and socially accountable local governance

Mobilise, educate, and build the employable skills and entrepreneurial capacity of the vulnerable, marginalised, and the economically disadvantaged for sustainable poverty reduction, gender equality and integration, youth development and empowerment through Self-Help Groups and Associations involving less educated vulnerable out-of-school adolescents, rural women and persons living with disabilities.