Consistent with its Strategic Plan, the six broad prioritised programmes currently underway are:

Internal Capacity Building and Organisational Development
- Internal capacity for implementation of VEReF’s Strategic Plan
- Financial strength, diversification, and sustainability
- Internal control and financial management systems
- SWOT, STEEPLE and organisational risk analysis and mitigation strategies

Total Quality Education
- Books, teaching and learning support equipment for pre-tertiary schools and deprived communities project
- Scholarships and bursaries for academic and moral excellence
- Educational research, policy evaluation and advocacy
- Inclusive education and non-discriminatory access to total quality education
- Girl-Inclusive Safe School Environment for Gender Equal Educational Attainment and Retention (GISE-GEARing) for result-oriented girl-child education and adult literacy
- Educational infrastructure, learning materials/equipment and library facilities

Health and Nutrition
- Community awareness campaign on quality but affordable healthcare and nutrition
- Sexual and reproductive health rights, child immunisation, as well as prevention, screening and early detection and management diseases notably diarrhoea, malaria, tuberculosis (TB), HIV & AIDS, and mental and emotional disorders
- Healthy lifestyles and regular check-ups for preventable diseases, including diabetes with emphasis on type-1, cancer, and hypertension and other heart-related diseases
- Medical and material support for the destitute, marginalised, vulnerable and disadvantaged particularly persons living with disabilities
- Targeted corrective surgery and mobility rehabilitation support for needy persons living with disabilities including children with birth disorders requiring modest funding for corrective surgery, prosthetic appendages, and crutches, as well as physiotherapy exercises
- Vaccination campaign and advocacy uptake of vaccines in schools and communities
- Critical healthcare infrastructure, equipment, and logistics for deprived health facilities

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Self-help projects for improved access to pro-poor affordable WASH facilities
- Cleanliness, effective and efficient waste disposal and management systems
- Critical WASH infrastructure, equipment, and logistics
- Awareness campaign for personal hygiene and clean environmental practices
- Flood monitoring and mitigation

Human Rights and Democratic Governance
- Socially inclusive participation in local governance and decision-making processes, including social accountability in governance
- Participatory democracy at the grassroots for good governance
- Initiatives for conflict resolution and management, including peacebuilding and negotiation
- Transformational leadership for social cohesion and sustainable development

Gender, and Social Integration and Empowerment
- Poverty, inequality, and gender integration research
- Targeted education, training, income generation and microcredit support schemes
- Gender mainstreaming and integration
- Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for economic emancipation projects for rural women, single mothers, persons living with disabilities, and out-of-school youth
- Microenterprise revolving credit scheme initiative for rural women, single mothers, persons living with disabilities, and out-of-school youth